J Chaithanya – A simple Introduction - ஜெ சைதன்யா ஒர் எளிய அறிமுகம்

My First Attempt to translate the Tamil writer Jeyamohan's Article

J Chaithanya – A simple Introduction

It is improbable that the tamil society, which generally neglects intellectuals, would aware about an Eastern philosopher called J.Chaithanya. It is worth mentioning that like any other greatest thinkers of the world, she neither gave any oration nor expressed her thoughts through writings. Yet she lives and breathes the essense of “thinking” like any philosophers. Normally those thoughts blooming from her daily life moments and lose its trace in air.

But the destiny decided to lodge it’s mercy on her. As with many other great intellectuals, there was a follower,  chief acolyte existed for J.Chaithanya. He has been meticulously recording her thought bursts in pronto by staying all along with her. Hefty part of the registered thoughts were evolved from the desire and impulsion of the above mentioned Chief follower, It is also evidently noticeable that, his linguistic feasibility and limited comprehension skill are the main barriers to record her original thoughts, yet this will not disappoint if someone turns the pages of the world history. Because world has never been fortunate to receive any non-distorted original great thoughts.

It is necessary to mention with great sense of pride that, J.Chaithanya is studying in  Kindergarten standard LKG, grown enough to be ashamed of bereft kids panty. The reason is, as much as her three fingers count times,  daily, the mixture of rice and broth is mild violently fed to her, with the help of her house dog Kuttan, regularly visiting crow, laburnum tree and her favorite squirrel.

J.Chaithanya’s has an attracting and eye pleasing appearance. Usually she does immediate actions with the respect to her appearance, which would enthrall any viewer. Her hair glitters like black Pomeranian dog’s back. Her slightly flat nose (It is apt mentioning  the infamous lullaby on her nose written by chief follower a.k.a her father. “Hey Nose Nose amma No No Nose Nose amma”), and sufficiently bubbly cheeks shows her pertinacious behavior. Usually she can be found in either of two states of face mind combo. One of that is “Appy” state, usually followed after attired by new apparel, taken a fresh bath in cold water, etc. During this state, she happily gambols around. In the remaining time she can be found with tightened lips, sharpened nose and puckered eyebrows. In these moments, she deeply contemplates the universe.

No need to highlight the embryonic eminence of J.Chaithanya. She benevolently gave photographic glimpses of herself, only after her parents decided to look into her living place of those days, using ultrasound, only because of she did not attempt to come out, although several days passed after doctor referred due date. Chief follower observed that her initial fine gestures revealed some details about her ambitious advent and the messages she was about to bring along with her. By brandishing her tight fist she showed that her main objective was to fight against ignorance. Unlike her father, her mother solely noticed her gender and was moved to deep ecstatic tears. Her critic sense evidenced when she tried to grab the cord around her. Then she yawned and slowly floated back.

On the way to home, her father a.k.a chief follower who has been waiting for arrival of J.Chaithanya realized that the whole world became extraordinary shiny and ravishing. Even the dull distemper coated buildings, trees with dusty leaves and the muddy buffaloes reflected his inner mind. Siren of heavily loaded lorries passed him, sounded mellifluous to his ears. Nearby imbibed bubbling sewage smelled not a whiff of pungency to him . He felt his each step was smoothly snaffled by palm of the mother soil.  He perceived only one sound ubiquitously. He repetitively ambiguously chanted that same word “thathvamsi” (You are that)heard somewhere sometime before.

“Appa(father), baby resides inside mother is our little papu (baby), rite?” only after this question from his first child a.k.a one of the most fearless man of the world, he landed back to earth from that trancelike state.

“Yes dear, she is our little baby!!” replied his father.

“Why is she yawning?”

“There is no TV inside rite, she get bored.” creatively replied his father. By climbing, few further steps in the imagination ladder pioneer thinker a.k.a. His son ably replied. “Yah, she could play if there is a dog”

      J.Chaithanya’s birth was a modest event. It’s a known fact that she mannerly objected, only because her  world gone upside down, when the nurses lifted her by holding her dual ankles. When every newones she saw, surrounding her,  investigated the her tightly closed palm for the emptiness she carried from her formerly lived space by forcefully opening it, she reprimanded and expressed discomfort by making a grimace face.

According to Chief follower’s earlier records, J.Chaithanya was in deep quest at her childhood. During the initial days when she lied supine, incessantly gazed at the sky and also occasionally laughed elatedly with scintillating eyes as if she realized something which cannot be perceived by normal human beings. She believed in her right to surge towards surrounded objects; after few attempts she realized only way to achieve this effort was by lifting her butt and after several attempts she was doing the second activity .

Immediately after she started lie prone, her attention was totally shifted towards the earth. Her dense eyebrows are specifically designed to intently observe the ants, floor lines, cracks and dusts. She also found that few predefined rules of physiology were impeding her research work on the insects. During this activity, on one untoward moment,  her jaw smacked on the floor. She did indeed scream initially by thinking her mother was the root cause. Very soon with the help of her natural intelligents, she realized that hand can be used to keep under the paunch to prevent this. Meanwhile she slowly explored through tongue and found that ants are tasteless and dusts as a balanced diet.

Her mother once  mentioned that since J.Chaithanya had accumulated her inquiring ability in here hands, those nimble hands turned as sort of a  cleaving thorny creeper plant typically used in fences. When she was on move, residing on her mother’s hip, it was usual that on the way objects like ear rings, flowers of  her head and the cupboard showcase dolls used to cling away along with her. It was a daunting task to detach those objects from her. It cleaved back again, every time chief follower tried to separate those objects.

Her father valued herself as a tiny little instrument bestowed  from heaven above on the sole motive of maintain himself in highly energetic active mode. Her merits like start alarmingly screaming for food, when just a moment ago, her parents were scampering  in different direction to comfort her initial moderate cry for wet baby panty; sleeping while consuming milk; randomly waking up; thundering condemnation with intense anger for unavailability of tears etc., traumatized her parent’s neural system.

She used to suffer weekly thrice with common cold (in chronological order: - first day dedicated for snivel, the next day for spasm and then fever) and in the remaining week days allotted for diarrhea. To cure here, when was taken to see doctor, she turns as a refreshingly smiling “abolished” goddess ready for a temple holy street procession. In the clinic after the activities like, installment pee-peeing in the corners of waiting hall, bench edges investigation after scraping with her teeth, watchful observation of the dented doctor’s pen bitten by her, hotfooting towards the stethoscope and finally the most important of all received appreciation for her health from doctor are followed by raging fever while returning on her way back to home, which was a frightening sight to her father. She mastered the art of spilling the pill through a mysterious molar path which was earlier fed to her with the help of challenging efforts like liquidated pill coursed with few spoons of water fed deep inside her tongue and comforted her on the shoulders until a burping confirmation. Her father’s friends expressed concern when they cognized her suffering from diarrhea through the distinct scent aroused from his body.

Above all, the difference of opinion between J.Chaitanya and Universe over the day and night calculation caused so many issues. During the sunshining hot mid-days when her parents tiredly looking at her, she used to be in deep slumber. During midnights she used to awake refreshingly and according to her father’s friend’s volunteer records her following activities like weeping plus ca-caing, weep plus eating food, weeping plus prancing around, drenched with tears soon after earlier tear wetness dried out caused physic anxiety to her father. His delicate state was apparent by his activities in office like, lose himself during working hours, guffawing all alone, peeking the wrist watch way too often and furiously vocalizing some strange lullabies arbitrarily.

J.Chaitanya's father had an impression on himself as a great intellect and a writer. There is no boundary for human ego rite? He had a blow on his ego and became a devout follower of J.Chaithanya, when he fortunately obtained a profound insight, on a night while travelling in a bus. During bus travels, he usually keeps a thick cardboard on his lap, places the baby bed over it (to make a comfortable temporary sleeping place) and lays J.Chaitanya on it. When his eyes open in a  sudden moment in the mid-night, he caught the sight of the flame colored glowing face of J.Chaitanya in the oppositely passing lorry headlight. On that emotionally excited moment, his great culture’s thousands of years of fierce, merciful, virtuous and motherly goddesses cosmically flourished in front of him.

When he sensed the touch of the sole of her foot devoid of any soil with his shivering fingers, the arduous rock doorways of his deepmind, which never gave a sign of opening by upsurge of thousands of theological books and innumerous teachings, instantly unfolded like silky stage screens.

Notes :-

“abyagashed”” : ( Right hand of an idol or great person raised in token of dispelling fear and assuring protection)


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